Hulk One:12 Collective Figure
In Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk finds himself stranded on the planet Sakaar. Celebrated as an undefeated hero in their coliseum, he spends two years without changing back into Dr. Banner. Now he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger – the mighty Thor!
The Mezco Gladiator Hulk action figure captures both the character’s uniquely massive physique and his richly detailed costume. Because of Hulk’s larger than life presence, he is made with a newly created body. In addition to spiked battle axe and war maul, the One:12 Thor Ragnarok Hulk features a crested helmet permanently affixed to his 2nd head portrait.
Product Features
- 7.87 inches (20cm)
- Made of plastic
- An all new One:12 Collective body accurately depicting the character’s massive physical build
- Over 28 points of articulation
- Film accurate costume
Box Contents
- Hulk Figure
- Figure stand
- Alternate helmeted head
- 6 Alternate hands
- Pair of fists
- Pair of posing hands
- Pair of holding hands
- Battle axe
- Maul
- Sculpted body armor
- Sculpted cross body belt
- Sculpted shoulder guard
- Sculpted wrist guard
- Sculpted wrist armor
- Sculpted shin armor
- Sculpted sandals
- Fabric armband
- Fabric tunica with screened detailing
- Fabric tasset with screened detailing
- Fabric shorts with screened detaiing
- One:12 Collective display base with logo
- One:12 Collective adjustable display post